
What is Voluntas?
Voluntas is an educational and social association.

Why the name Voluntas?
Voluntas is a Latin word that means free-will and choice. Among the most important of human rights is the right to conduct your life as you see fit. Self-directed activity is more ethical, noble, and practical than the alternative of coercion.

Is Voluntas a school?
Voluntas Institute is not a traditional school. As part of its mission, Voluntas offers flexible learning materials and programs for responsible, self-determined people. All learning programs are designed to support parents in their responsibility to teach their own children and for individuals in their responsibility to educate themselves.

What educational materials and programs does Voluntas offer?
Voluntas makes instructional materials and other resources available in digital format. Every effort is made to ensure that these materials and resources can be made freely available, since information can be duplicated and shared electronically without significant cost.

Voluntas Institute also creates and organizes physical materials, including print materials. Since these materials cannot be made available without significant cost, they are available for purchase.

While credit for original authorship should be preserved, all digital and physical materials are provided where possible without restrictive licensing in order to respect your rights to read, use, copy, share, and adapt them to your needs.

Voluntas also plans to offer customized support services, assessment and endorsement services, and access to physical facilities. Services and facilities access will be available separately to accommodate varied needs and wants.

What is the Voluntas Community?
The Voluntas Community is designed to support those who seek to become truly educated, live with integrity, and promote liberty. While our materials and encouragement are available to everyone everywhere, official membership in the community does have extra benefits. Membership in the community is also a requirement for application to the Liber Fellowship.

What is the Liber Fellowship?
The Liber Fellowship is an exclusive educational endorsement track for ambitious Voluntas Community members. Each Liber Fellow pursues mastery of the Liber Fellowship curriculum as outlined by the Voluntas Institute. Those who successfully master the curriculum will receive a detailed endorsement of their accomplishments to accompany their portfolio of work developed in the process.